What’s Going On…
For years a new one arrived each day: verse, chorus and melody. They were stories about people and tunes about the stuff going on. I jotted them down — good habit. Then I’d come back to them and tweak them, rearrange them, try them out on the friendly ears of family members and buddies.
Songs. There are thousands now. Some are nearly as old as I am. They say things I believe and hope. They laugh and joke around a lot.
So, last summer, I began to record them and this spring I began to stream them. The spigot (so to speak) is here:
And here:
And here:
And also here:
Today the first batch are in the cloud and in places unexpected: NY radio and playlists in Europe and streams across North America. They travel in cars, play in a classroom, and roll like water…
It’s good to be a song nowadays and it’s fun to be a songwriter!
If you don’t mind, give the music a listen, and pass it along to people you know with varied musical tastes. Maybe they’ll share some feedback and influence the new music on the way.