A Million Thanks
Lo and it came to pass this weekend! A million listens to the songs from Enter the Muses and Colorshow, with a nice little push from Long Tall Carolyn. Now it’s official. Ed Gumbrecht’s songs have surpassed a million streams worldwide.
It’s hard to explain in an age where Spotify has served over a trillion streams to its listeners, why a million songs of our own in that mix feels like something momentous. I’m sure it’s this way with most milestones. You’re not sure you can run a certain race, but then you find out. Now we know.
We ran our race and it went like this…
· About every day or so a song idea would land in my head.
· At home I’d turn those songs over, polish lyrics, melodies, progressions, and stories.
· Then we’d cherry pick some to record around the theme of the project at hand. Now we’re compiling the new album, “Any Given Day”
· The very talented Dirt Floor Studios crew including its owner, artist and producer, Eric, and sound engineers/musicians Guido and Eli made it all sound compelling and professional.
· Our friend the award-winning graphic artist, Deb Walley, crafted evocative album art.
· Guests like Claire Marie interpreted and elevated the songs.
· Then these very cool people all over the globe who love music and curate music, put the songs on their playlists where they were streamed a million times … and more.
That’s how it happened.
A million listens tells us the music is finding its audience. We can see it playing all over the world and especially in the US, Mexico, Germany, Brazil and lately across Asia. It has us feeling upbeat and optimistic about continuing -- and more new music is on the way. “Any Given Day” which features “Long Tall Carolyn” and nine originals represents our very best music yet. Look for it early in 2024.
In February we are going to celebrate our streaming milestone with a show/concert at our favorite classic art theater in the wonderful town of Madison, CT. It’s going to be special time with lots of friends and collaborations! We’ll post here as details develop.
For now, the fun is just getting going. Thanks a million, friends! It’s great to be on this musical journey together.